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Erasmus Incoming
The academic year starts the 3rd week of September .
Most of the courses are on a semester basis running from October to December and from March to end-May.
Examinations take place at the end of each semester with:
- A regular examination session
(January – February for the 1st semester); - An extraordinary exam session in April;
- A regular examination session
(June – July for the 2nd semester).
Holidays are at Christmas, Easter and summer holidays from the end of July to mid-September.
Each class could have two types of activities: lecture and application seminars. Final exams could be in the form of written or oral examination.
Grades are given on a scale from 18 (the minimum grade required to pass the exam) to 30 (maximum).
We wish you the best luck for your experience!
The International Office.
Risorse Correlate
Ufficio Relazioni Internazionali
Viale Gallipoli - Lecce
Referente Studenti Incoming - DSE
Antonio Melcarne
Campus Ecotekne, Via per Monteroni, Lecce - +39 0832 298841
- antonio.melcarne@unisale..
Buddy Erasmus Incoming
Federico D'Agostino
Campus Ecotekne, Via per Monteroni, Lecce - federico.dagostino@stude..
Data ultimo aggiornamento: 28.02.2024